Sunday, February 6, 2011

Some of the Immediate Benefits When I Quit Smoking?

Everyone realizes that it is much healthier for a person to quit smoking than it is to continue their smoking and addiction to nicotine. However, a better long term health is just the beginning of the benefits of kicking the habit.

As soon as you smoke your last cigarette and start to breathe fresh clean air, your body is instantly improved. Within 18 minutes after you have your last puff, many changes begin to transform your overall well being.  Your blood pressure and your heart rate will begin to drop to a healthier level. Within a day, your blood will show normal levels of carbon monoxide.

Within just a two months after you stop smoking, your lungs will function at a normal level. You'll be able to tell be your improves stamina. You'll likely be able to walk a flight of stairs without gasping for air. Not to mention, you circulation will be greatly improved.

Within the next six months you'll notice that you don't feel a need to cough nearly as much as you used to because your body is healing and transforming itself. The cilia in your lungs do the work of moving the mucus out of your lungs. Now they're able to function much more normally. It's likely that you're getting sick less these days as your body continues to clear out infections and other impurities.

By the time that you're celebrating your one year anniversary since you quit smoking, you should celebrate the fact that your risk of heart disease has dropped in half since you were considered a smoker!

In the next five to ten years after you kicked the habit, your risk of stroke is greatly reduced as well. The non smokers death rate from lung cancer is less than half of that for a smoker. Cancer of the pancreas, bladder, throat and mouth are greatly decreased as well. 

There are many other benefits to quitting smoking besides the obvious health reasons. Smoking can cause unattractive & ugly yellow teeth and yellow finger nails. Smoking can cause premature aging. Smoking can cause a man or womans voice to drop an octave or two. Smoking can carry a foul odor that clings to your clothes, vehicles and furniture.  

But, as soon as you quit smoking, your skin immediately begins to rejuvenate itself. Before long the smoky odor goes away as well. You can talk to people again without fear of them smelling your stinky breath. There are many  teeth whiteners that will eliminate your yellowed teeth.

After you quit smoking, you'll notice improvements in other areas of your life such as your sense of smell. It's very common that when people quit smoking they realize what they were missing because their sense of smell is no longer dull but much sharper. 

Maybe we covered some of your reasons or maybe you have other reasons that you want to quit smoking. But either way, the benefits to quit smoking are many and it worth your effort to once and for all say sayonara to cigarette for ever.

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